Accessori, ricambi e parti speciali per moto e scooter
Accessori, ricambi e parti speciali per moto e scooter
VP Italy s.r.l. distribuisce in esclusiva in Italia gli alberi motore di Hot Rods USA. Robusti e performanti, sono disponibili in versione standard ed a corsa allungata.
I particolari della linea Stroker possono essere utilizzati sia con i pistoni originali che con quelli specifici realizzati in abbinamento che evitano lavorazioni extra oppure richiedono solo l’aggiunta di uno spessore alla base del cilindro.
La linea Hot Rods comprende inoltre cuscinetti di banco e paraoli completi (da utilizzarsi sia con alberi motore originali che con quelli Hot Rods), e bielle a doppia forgiatura con struttura orientata delle fibre ed irrobustite con trattamento di “pallinatura” che oltre ad incrementare le proprietà meccaniche migliora anche l’aspetto.
Tutti gli alberi motore, disponibili per motori a 2 e 4 tempi, sono pronti per l’installazione e venduti completi di bielle, gabbie spinotto ed altri accessori
Novità 2012: c' è una nuova gamma denominata " Bottom End Kit ",che significa Kit completo per la Sostituzione dell'Albero Motore, questo Kit contiene : Albero Motore, cuscinetti banco e guarnizioni basamento.
Heavy Duty OE Replacement Crankshafts
Building on the success of high-quality, OEM replacement rods, Hot Rods introduced the perfect place to showcase them — in a complete heavy duty Hot Rods OEM replacement crankshaft. Since that time, Hot Rods heavy duty crankshafts have been regarded as the premier alternative to costly OE manufactured cranks. But, in addition to being a cost effective alternative, Hot Rods heavy duty crankshafts also bring a level of uncompromising quality, design and innovation not seen in its competitors.
Heavy Duty Drop-in Stroker Crankshafts
In addition to Hot Rods heavy duty OEM replacement crankshafts, Hot Rods also offers a full line of drop-in stroker crankshafts. Not only do these stroker cranks bring about a heightened level of performance and increased displacement, but do so without costly case machining, custom cam chains or spacer plates. Better yet, many Hot Rods stroker cranks even utilize the engine's stock piston.
Complete Connecting Rod Kits
One single connecting rod is where it all began for Hot Rods and now, with almost two decades of experience, continuously improved designs and an ever expanding line of applications; Hot Rods has continued to be, not only “The Original” aftermarket replacement rod, but the best aftermarket replacement rod.
All of our rods are created from 8620 case hardened steel. But, in addition to that, our rods also undergo a special forging process which helps to improve grain flow as well as dimensional consistency — and that means a rod of uncompromising strength.
To improve fatigue durability, all Hot Rods rods are shot peened. This process, utilizing a stainless steel shot, helps to remove stress risers and creates smoothly blended radiuses. In the end, a Hot Rods connecting rod is one of the most durable rods that enthusiasts and engine builders can buy.
However, a rod is only as good as its supporting parts and that’s why a Hot Rods kit features only the most advanced and durable bearings. Case hardened and silver coated, the bearings are just as tough and reliable as the rods.
Even Hot Rods crank pins are subjected to the same rigorous standards as the rods and bearings. Each crank pin is created from hot-rolled ASTM 4115 steel and case-hardened to a level of 58–62 Rc.
Main Bearing & Seal Kits
To compliment Hot Rods full line of heavy duty OEM replacement and stroker crankshafts are Hot Rods complete main bearing and seal kits for both two and four-stroke applications. Like other Hot Rods products, these main bearing and seal kits are built to the highest quality standards that meet or exceed those of OEM.
Additionally, not only will Hot Rods main bearing and seal kits work in rebuilding a Hot Rods crankshaft; but, they also work in rebuilding OEM cranks as well.